Sunday, 6 February 2022

Change is in the Air

 i’m confused

i think i might be with the truckers

and then i see and hear racist shit

and i’m out

the quick digestion is the problem

i’m certain that the vast majority of the truckers are not racist

so blame the press

giving all the squeaky radicals the screen time

but look at the media names behind the truckers

they all come off like racists

so fuck that

but i think we should open up

it’s time

there’s so many hypocritical elements to this shutdown

but the doctors aren’t so sure

and i trust them

and the medical community

and most of the politicians


you know

it’s time

i do blame the politicians

hiding or blazing 

like my father used to say

they all piss in the same pot

the money that’s getting thrown around baffles me

the numbers

billions to disasters and incursions

millions in go fund me pages

big round numbers with no transparency or accountability

we roll our eyes

and scroll on

i live in a massively socially politically diverse neighborhood

there’s all kinds of things wrong here

i don’t understand how some people get left behind

and end up broken

i tell my son that they used to be somebodies baby

full of hope and love

the depth of this sadness is tangible

and it’s happening coast to coast

and what’s with all the behind door meetings?

if i were a politician 

i’d have a body cam on and stream my entire day

i’d turn it off when i went to lunch and the crapper

but other than that - the tax payer dollar is at work

full transparency

and lots of facebook discussions

cull the flamers and haters

and get down to some serious national discourse

canada has always represented common sense

as a corporation

i’m a capitalist 

as a musician

i’m a union member

i am equally proud of both these designations

we need to get back to work

i think i’m one of the top employers of musicians

in both canada and america

i’m really starting to feel a sense of urgency in my fellow musicians

i remind myself and others 

that fisherman, oil workers and many other trades 

have seen previously seen their career bottom out underneath them


change if need be

follow the youth

they are the way forward

i’m mad at the prime minister

running off to vancouver during the first nations ceremonies

then ducking off and not talking to the truckers

and i’m mad at the truckers

for not being more vigilant in getting rid of the confederate flags and swastikas

who’s in charge for christ sake!

i watch my son take it all in

he’s almost eighteen

the youth have been robbed of some very important life defining moments

us oldies

we’ve had our day in the sun

but the little ones need to find themselves

i hope they experiment and thrive with one another

i think they do

it’s not for us to decide 

i went through covid

and the one thing i learned is that no two cases are the same

i was lucky

but i was always aware that we become weaponized once the virus finds us

and we could kill someone - completely inadvertently 

no one wants that on their conscious

we’ve done a good job

our country is vaccinated and strong

you don’t want the vaccine


but you need to test and test

that has to be part of the equation going forward

and if you do get sick 

and end up in a hospital

canada will take care of you

no one gets left behind

and with that 

the thought of yelling at doctors and medical professionals

is completely horrendous 

again - why aren’t the truckers denouncing this?


every politician in the world has been dealt a bad hand

i like to think they did their best

but that time has passed

and it’s time for them all to step aside

and quit blocking up the hall

there needs to be new voices coming through

all of the old ways are exactly that

it’s a beautiful sunny winter sunday in toronto

change is in the air


feb 6 2022


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